
cnn tXiao Xin feltvery

Callsb less missing tube I want their man , relationresultXiaonovelty : they know how you and I together ? , relationresultLei JiaMeihao Qi said: the paper covered on May 2nd when we go back to the wedding do not know what the guy talking results to their ear this two day of you in the house sit firmly Diaoyutai my mobile phone was they destroyed Phyl says everyone killed .
I had good earth Jin said you had two days will be back before they temporarily give up , relationresultHereLei Jia hey laughed: this time back to suffer , relationresultUh new touched his nose very reluctantly said: to go back !On the show .
Now where ? , relationresultWho knows !You after admission ,he had disappeared . Lei Jia replied , relationresultXiao Xin feltvery convoluted reason, she was badly hurt ,morally speaking, show parting should not left out, but show have their contact details ,if you really want to contact ,will call , relationresultTwo days without eating,Xiao new eating speed quicker than normal ,suddenly everything away ,still are enough , relationresultSeeing Xiao Xinlike this ,Lei Jia asked sympathetically : how ,still not full, would you like me to give you to buy ? , relationresultForget it.
Xiao Xinshen a stretch your legs ,activity ,although cannot exercise ,physical function recovered to normal before the injury ,and no two , relationresultAt this time,Lei Jia saw Xiao Xinfang with two youngsters ,then asked : Xiao new ,you soon to come clean ,it is two what beads? Are you hiding something from me? , relationresultXiao Xin herboard face ,he smiled: why so serious? These are the things that I wanted to tell you ,but afraid to scare you , relationresultLei Jiawrinkled her nose ,road : they are scared of ?Don tell me , relationresultXiaonew arms ,smiled: want me to hold you ? , relationresultLei Jiahearts inching ,just want to say ,suddenly saw a face smiling ,then sit back bench, staring Xiao Xin a look : bad guy ,I not on you when , relationresultXiaonew hey still laughs: if you don let me hold ,I will say nothing , relationresultBad guy ,I think you speak ! Lei Jia stood up to scratch ,Xiao new armpit ,the results become each other ,struggled ,quietly lying in the arms of her sweetheart ,track: well ,you are not bad ,do , relationresultNo problem ! Xiao Xin hugged each other no fat on waist ,his ninety percent secret words besides ,he did not say this thing is too strange, it is very difficult to make people believe , relationresultLei Jiaquietly listening, unbelievably asked: do you really mean it ? , relationresultXiao Xin: ,but the last has been said, but you don , relationresultNow I believe that ! Lei Jia twisted your body ,let oneself in Xiao new arms lying comfortably , relationresultXiaonovelty : believe ,why now believe ?I ,also did not prove it to you ,google! , relationresultLei JiaRoad : also to use to prove ?I saw you was hit by a bullet, and make the dead come back to life , relationresultAt that timeI was so frightened that you survived ,or I will cry to death , relationresultJust cry die ? Xiao new teased , relationresultLei Jiaface is small red, in his new chest beating up ,whispered : bad guy ,if you really dead ,they do not want to live , relationresultXiaoMai new will hug , relationresult,said softly : I promise you ,no absolute certainty ,not ! , relationresultThatmore like it .
Lei Jia makes a sound : you don ,this two days after their phone ,I wanted to put it out ,not easy to hold , relationresultXiaonew was shocked : do not say ,or trouble !You and what did they say ? , relationresultLei Jiagiggled and said: to Phyl, they said ,are you in Hongkong on a large cooperative project ,is and the other boss lead a gay one , relationresultXiaonew can although such interpretation is not quite reasonable ,but Lei Jia is able to lie for him to be good ,only to walk a step, take a step back ,think of ways to , relationresultLei Jia then said: people help you so much, how are you going to thank me ? , relationresultVoice,Lei Jia was a pair of clutches in his body touch ,reach ,hold ,track: bad guy ,here is hospital ,there was a soldier on guard , relationresultSeeShaw new pursed up her mouth, she was on the other side of the face kissed ,Jiao said : as of tomorrow, you have to teach me practicing Wu oh .
.. ... , relationresultAfter a while,Lei Jia from kiss struggled out of her panting ,said: you really too bad !Dedicated to bully people , relationresultXiaonew smiled, was about to speak, the sound of a mobile phone is ringing up , relationresultMy phone ! Lei Jia from his bag out of his pocket mobile phone ,see caller ID ,whispered : is your home phone , relationresultLei Jia saidthe home, nature is Xiao Xin in the HZ villa to call so late at night ,I do not know which sister ?relationresultLei Jia feda sound ,the mobile phone to Xiao new ,grinning, said : it , relationresultrelationresultXiaonew has become the time-tested revolutionary soldier ,nature will not fear ,took over the mobile phone ,voice gently asked : who is the girl for me ? , relationresultVoice,there came a series of screaming : Hong Xiao Xiao brother brother ,bad ,Xiao Xiao brother brother die ,color ,large lady-killer ,.
.. ... You finally bubble ,I thought you were my sisters have forgotten , relationresultXiao Xin listen to thevoice of Hua Feier ,QiSheng asked: Phyl ,how do you at home? , relationresultHere am I not ?Is it right? You wish us to leave? Hello long Shuangfeng ,sit enjoy Qirenzhifu Phyl said angrily , relationresultXiao Xin cry,said softly : Phyl well-behaved ,Shaw brother back to kiss you , relationresultPhylsaid: bad Shaw brother ,so want to slip by ! , relationresultXiao Xin had tosay: what do you say ?Can kill me !I came to Hongkong but my business ,you don sister Lei Jia , relationresultPhylsing: who knows what you do about anything serious ,I think to go green and sister ,sister Lei Jia secretly took to it ,but few of us throw at home ,you are very cruel .
.. ... , relationresultXiaonew very patiently listened to the girls complain ,just said: Phil ,I have something important to do ,also estimated two days to return to play for ,go back later on ,this time I go back to his father-in-law ,buy a gift ,he is most like what ? , relationresultYour father what do I care ?.
.. ... , relationresultPhylcasually said ,suddenly understand what Xiao Xin is saying ,light to one track: bad Shaw brother ,and makes me who promised to marry you ,you have a probation
period , relationresultIs ? Xiao Xinchong is beside steal joy Lei Jia blinked ,voice calmly said: still on probation ,that even as China uncle some money, whatever ,I don care !
,cnn, relationresultHuaPhyl immediately coquetry ,microphone came out heavily ,Xiao new heard the girl in and others : baby ,you help me to call the bad guy ,really mad at me ! , relationresultAfter
a few seconds,the phone came the voice of Mo Xiaoyu the girl than Hua Phyl more sensible : Xiao brother ,why don come back ?Remember to bring us a gift !You don Phyl was very angry ,but
she is scared you our sisters ,a number of her most want you ,last night I heard her talking in my sleep , relationresultHere,Facebook,Mike came Phyl shouting: you are a good baby ,I really Related articles:

